Team offer:
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suits you best
At Team assemblythe trailer comes to life. Every detail contributes to the high-quality end result. The close collaboration with the team ensures seamless and efficient execution.
Assembly Vacancies3More about team AssemblyTeamConservation
At Team Conservation you are the key to a flawless finish. Our team not only ensures that the trailer gets the shine it deserves, but also ensures a long-lasting lifespan.
Conservation Vacancies3More about team ConservationTeamService & Support
Our dedicated team is ready to support customers with technical expertise and excellent service. We strive to ensure every aspect with customer satisfaction.
Service & Support Vacancies2More about team Service & SupportTeamLogistics
Team Logistics is ready to streamline every move and takes projects to the next level. Efficiency and perfection come together in this team.
Logistics Vacancies1More about team LogisticsTeamConstruction
At Team Construction, every weld is placed with precision, making the first contours of the trailers visible. Discover the essence of craftsmanship here!
Construction Vacancies1More about team ConstructionTeamCommercial
Our Commercial Team fully manages our external presentation. You contribute to a lasting and fascinating interaction, from the first meeting until well after.
Commercial Vacancies1More about team CommercialTeamFacilities
Team Facilitair is a multidisciplinary team and is ready to support and strengthen on all fronts. They provide a solid foundation for growth and success.
Facilities VacanciesMore about team FacilitiesTeamPreparation
Team Preparation is ready to prepare every trailer down to the last detail with precision. Materials are shaped, milled and cut through creative craftsmanship.
Preparation VacanciesMore about team Preparation